The games from which the Fritz Powerbook 2021 were derived (except the Corr Games) are also included on the DVD or download version. The Fritz Powerbook 2021 represents the state of the art of current openings theory. New: For the first time the FritzPowerbook were derived also from the best 100,000 games from the Correspondence 2020 Database to enhance even more the theoretical value of moves given by the book. With the 2021 edition you get 3 Books: Fritz Powerbook 2021, Strongbook and the new CorrBook.
Discover exciting and tricky new lines and practice them against Fritz. In addition the DVD has a small but very exclusive book with the strongest GM games (ELO >= 2550) from the past 100 years (2.7 Mio positions) and StrongBook Games Database.
Powerbook 2021
Strongbook 2021
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